BIT rate


Bit Rate – In telecommunications, computing and digital communications, bit rate is the number of bits (1/0) that are conveyed or processed per unit of time. The bit rate is quantified using the bits per second (symbol: “bit/s”), often in conjunction with an SI prefix such as” kilo” (1 kbit/s = 1000 bit/s), “mega” (1 Mbit/s = 1000 kbit/s), “giga” (1 Gbit/s = 1000 Mbit/s) or “tera” (1 Tbit/s = 1000 Gbit/s). The abbreviation “bps” is often used to replace the standard symbol “bit/s”, so that, for example, “1 Mbps” is used to mean one million bits per second.

One byte per second (1 B/s) corresponds to 8 bit/s. This is the measure for Bit Rate over parallel channels or data throughput. Each serial protocol has a standards Bit Rate. For instance PCIex2 has 5 Gb/s bit rate but due to the ten bit encoding, a single PCIe 2 channel has data throughput of 500 MB/s.